Tango review
Let’s set the scene, you’ve just started at a new company. As well as having to remember everyone’s name, the alarm code, your parking space, when lunch is, you also have to remember something arguably more important… the job itself. Employee handovers are nothing new, and are very effective - but how about something a little more 2021? Automated how-to workflows, from screenshots, that an app makes for you? Tango is just that.
Tango is like nothing we’ve ever seen before, we’ve all watched walkthrough videos on Youtube, or read step-by-step processes in emails. Tango is a stripped-back combination of the two - and potentially is more straightforward than both. Firstly, you need to sign up. Tango is free and you can create an account using a Google email address for ease. We would recommend using Chrome as its extension features expedite Tango’s functions.
After you’ve signed up, create a workspace with your colleagues so you all have access to the same workflows, and start creating. Once the extension is installed and accessible in your browser, simply click Tango’s icon and then click ‘Capture Workflow’ from the drop-down. You may be surprised by how little you have to do next, but simply complete a standard web-based process you have to regularly achieve and once finished, click the green play button on Tango. You now have seamlessly created a workflow! Tango’s machine learning will identify each action completed, automatically screenshot the appropriate areas and add in supplementary text to instruct each individual process. It’s really impressive.
Ironically, explaining Tango’s features in a review is more complicated than they could probably achieve with a workflow… but maybe that helps emphasise how good it is. We’ve been really impressed with Tango, especially with it being totally free. In terms of the app’s interface, there is a selection of dropdowns that house all of your creations, whether shared with you, or created by you for your team. You can also create folders for further organisation. We wouldn’t be surprised if Tango had walkthroughs for how to create a folder, they’re so good at them. We think the best aspect of Tango is the sheer quantity of useful walkthroughs you can make. Anything from creating a company account to building an entire website can be explained and showcased seamlessly for viewers purely from Tango’s AI - it’s actually incredible.
Tango’s website is clearly presented, clean, and as highly intuitive in terms of navigation, as you’d expect from an app designed to make your life easier. We can’t say much more about Tango, just try it out! We guarantee you’ll be impressed, we guarantee you’ll find a use for it, and we definitely guarantee you’ll use it again.
Tango, we’ve got no room for improvement. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼/5!